Take Action With Us

1. Sign the Petition: Tell Congress to Protect Vital Rural Energy Programs

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) rural energy programs are poised to create tens of thousands of new energy jobs while supporting reliable electricity in rural America.

These four programs that will make long-needed investments in energy infrastructure for rural America are now at risk of losing critical funding:
1. Empowering Rural America (New ERA)
2. Powering Affordable Clean Energy (PACE)
3. Rural Energy for America Program (REAP)
4. Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP)

Take action! Ask your members of Congress to protect critical investments in rural energy jobs, electricity savings, and grid reliability in the upcoming farm bill and annual appropriations.

2. Sign up for our email list

The five policies called for in the #RuralPower campaign represent an opportunity to simultaneously provide urgent relief to the most vulnerable ratepayers in rural areas and prepare rural cooperatives for a 21st-century clean energy economy. These measures will directly benefit millions of cooperative member-owners who are currently struggling to pay for aging fossil fuel infrastructure while the world transitions to clean energy. Click below to endorse our policies and add your organization to our coalition.

3. Sign-On Your Organization to Support the Campaign